Aging and Long-Term Care

Newfoundland and Labrador’s population is rapidly aging. The demography of the population has radically changed to a low proportion of children, and a high proportion of seniors. This demographic shift is projected to continue over the next 20 years.

Frailty, chronic illness and ageism are significant factors when it comes to caring for an aging population. In addition to appropriate long-term care options, concepts such as aging in place and age-friendly communities are top of mind for seniors and families in our province.

An image of a pie chart with two sections
Emergency Department Utilization by Older Adults After Closures in NL

An analysis of emergency department usage before and after closures by comparing affected and unaffected facilities and patient characteristics.

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Graph of Potentially Inappropriate Use of Antipsychotics in LTC Facilities in NL compared to CA and NB
In-Depth Health Indicators for Long-Term Care in NL

An in-depth analysis of health indicators data for long-term care facilities in Newfoundland and Labrador from CIHI.

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Aging and Long-Term Care Resources

To learn more about our projects on Aging and Long-Term Care, visit our resource library.
