Who We Are
Who We Are
Quality of Care NL is an applied health and social systems research and evaluation program aimed at improving social and health outcomes in Newfoundland and Labrador. A collaborative effort between the leading health care entities in the province, our goal is to improve the quality of care by facilitating change to ensure the right treatment gets to the right patient at the right time.
Our partnership with Choosing Wisely Canada (Choosing Wisely NL) enables the promotion of established national guidelines and recommendations that cross all disciplines to support the reduction of low-value health care, including unnecessary tests and treatments, particularly where harms outweigh benefits.
Quality of Care NL leads the learning health system component of NL SUPPORT, one of 11 SPOR SUPPORT Units across Canada under the Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR). To learn more about our collaborative team, please visit https://nlsupport.ca/about/.
Learning Health and Social System
Quality of Care NL operates on the principles of a learning health and social system. One that continuously improves through a culture of best practice, evaluation, equity, openness and collaboration – the system learns and gets better, resulting in better care and health for all.
A learning health and social system is one in which science, education, informatics, incentives, and culture are aligned for continuous improvement, innovation and equity. Best practices are seamlessly embedded in the delivery process, individuals and families are active participants in all elements, and new knowledge is generated as an integral by-product. (Our Province. Our Health. Our Future. A 10-year health transformation. The Report, Health Accord NL, 2022)
Our Mission
By building on the premise of a learning health and social system and with the support and engagement of our partners, leaders in care and the public, Quality of Care NL is committed to improving social and health outcomes in Newfoundland and Labrador through research and evaluation. We use strategies such as data interpretation, knowledge translation, public engagement and solutions implementation.
Our Team
Our strength is in our well-rounded team. Quality of Care NL works to build partnerships between health researchers, health care providers, social care professionals and people who use the health care system. We involve clinicians and professionals in everything we do, from identifying project opportunities, to interpreting results, communicating outcomes, defining potential solutions and more! We also work closely with Patient & Public Partners, volunteers who assist project teams in various phases of projects, from study design to knowledge translation. When it comes to improving care for Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, we are better together!
Working Together
As the province undergoes a significant transformation of its health and social systems, our team remains dedicated to providing evaluation of relevant topics areas and newly implemented programs and policies.
Do you have an idea for delivering improved quality of care? Let us help.
For more information on our projects and what we can do to move your idea forward, please get in touch!