Drop the Pre-Op Toolkit for reducing unnecessary pre-operative testing Lose the Tube Toolkit for appropriate use of urinary catheters Bye Bye PPI Toolkit for deprescribing proton pump inhibitors Less Sedatives for Your Relatives Toolkit for reducing benzodiazepines and sedatives Bronchiolitis: Less is Best Toolkit for the management and assessment of bronchiolitis Taking the Bite Out of Tooth Pain Toolkit on using antibiotics wisely for managing tooth pain Utilization of Antibiotics in Long-Term Care Facilities “Desflurane Needs to Des-appear” – Reducing Use of a Harmful Anesthetic Gas Across Newfoundland and Labrador Accreditation of the Health Sciences Centre with Choosing Wisely Canada Hospital Designation The Use of Benzodiazapines in the Community in Newfoundland and Labrador